Views: 147
Do you need Dental Work? How about a Vacation?? Yo - North Carolina
Do you need Dental Work? How about a Vacation?? Yo
For most people, taking a vacation and going to the dentist are mutually incompatible prospects. After all, the thought of sitting in a dentist’s chair with a drill in your month isn’t quite as appealing as sitting on a tropical beach sipping a piña colada. Adam Altholtz, the American owner of the “Find Health in Ecuador Dental Clinic” (Find Health) in Cuenca and whose also American father was a U.S. dentist, is out to change that perception — at least a wee bit. Text our Dental Clinic at 941-228-8591 to answer all your questions Website:-
Ad Type | Offering a Job |
Job Type | Full-Time |
Is the ad publisher located in US? | Publisher Claim is Yes |
- Listing Began:
- Sun, 11 August 2024
- State
- North Carolina
- City
- Fayetteville
- Price:
- $1,000 USD
- Time Remaining:
- Auction starts on first bid
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